Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Stop comparing my wiener to hamburgers

I'm starting to really dislike all of the attempts at titillation coming out of the fast food realm. Indeed nothing is less sexy than a woman savoring a messy, disgusting McBurger. But tell that to these jackasses:

There's more info on this post from Fast Food News regarding Burger King's new Singapore ad campaign.

Tip o' the cap to Meesha for the link.


MoxieMamaKC said...

Burger King has definitely made some bizzare marketing choices over the years...This is just ridiculous to me. But much less disturbing than The King

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

first time visit to your blog... I love specialty blogs... very clever, and entertaining, will be back

Amar said...

These pics are really so funny Thanks a Lot jokesfb